Exercise Submission


This section is dedicated to information specific to the submission of your completed exercises.

In case of any problems, please see the FAQ. If your problem is not listed, contact me by e-mail (Tomas Polasek : ).

Setting Up

Start by downloading the web template from the Materials section and extract it into a local directory izhv/. The structure of the web page is very simple:

  • index.html : The main document containing a tab for each of the exercises.
  • data/ : Folder used to store the completed exercises.
  • data/link.txt : File storing the link to the website repository.
  • data/exe# : Each exercise has its own folder. Each contains a link.txt file, used for storing project URL. Additionally, for text-based tasks, the dummy index.html is provided to automatically display the pdf document named “exe#.pdf”.

Next, you should create a git repository for the website. If you never used git before, there will be a short tutorial in the second exercise, which should get you started. However, if you want to complete this part immediatelly, you can also check some other online resources, such as the GitHub Hello World. Once you have your git repository ready, you should put it within the link.txt file so that it is properly displayed on your website.

Unless otherwise stated, all of the Unity-based exercises were tested on Unity LTS 2022.3.

Updating Template

After you finish each exercise, you will first need to update the web template. The procedure is different based on the nature of the exercise.

Common Information

You will need to create a separate git repository for each exercise. This will allow you to get better acquainted with source control workflow. For some basic information, see the short tutorial in the second exercise or any of the many resources available on the web.

Text Exercises

For text-based exercises, you will first need to get a pdf version of your document ready. If you used LaTeX, this should be automatically available. Word and similar tools have a specialized option for pdf export. For other solutions, please see the documentation of the target software.

Once you have the pdf of your document ready, name the file after the exercise “exe#.pdf” - e.g. exe1.pdf or exe7.pdf. Then, copy the file into the corresponding data/exe# folder. Finally, fill in the link to your git repository in the link.txt file contained in the corresponding exercise folder.

Unity Exercises

For each Unity exercise, make sure that the path you use to store the project template is not too deep in the file hierarchy. Long paths (especially on Windows) may cause various errors when files fail to create! For Unity exercises, you will be exporting the game in a WebGL format and publishing it on our simple website. First, go to File -> Build Settings and select WebGL from the list. If it is greyed out, you need to install the corresponding build dependency in the Unity Manager. Press Build button and select an output directory - you may need to Switch Platform first. After the initial build, the subsequent ones should be much faster.

For testing purposes, you can use the Unity integrated web server (Build And Run). Otherwise, the files can be served by any other static serving platform - e.g. with python by using python -m http.server from the build directory.

After the build is finished, the result should be opened in your browser. Check if everything looks good. Then, copy all of the content from the WebGL export folder into data/exe#/, so that exe# folder contains link.txt, index.html, Build/, and TemplateData/. Finally, fill in link to your git repository in the link.txt file.

Web Deployment

The simple static web is now ready for deployment. You will need to follow the update and deployment procedure for each exercise, changing the # for the corresponding exercise identifier. The deployment depends on which faculty you are attending and server resources at your disposal:

  • FIT : Copy the complete izhv/ directory to Merlin, under ~/WWW/. For more information see the Study Advisor (“Students´ personal websites”).
  • FaVU : Update the website per instructions and skip the deployment. Instead of a link to the deployed website, you should send the link you your main website git repository.
  • Other : Please contact me (Tomas Polasek : ) so we can agree on some solution which will be usable in your case.

Please, make sure your hosting works by loading the url before submitting the exercise. In case you receive Forbidden!, you need to properly set the permissions. In case of FIT, make sure your home has the read (r) and search (X) flags. You can accomplish this under linux by using chmod a+rX ~ && chmod -R a+rX ~/WWW. Be warned that putting private files into your WWW folder may inadvertently make them public!

Submit the Exercise

Once you have completed all of the exercises, you can proceed to the final step. Check that the website is working as expected. Once you are certain, send me (Tomas Polasek : ) an e-mail with following information:

  • Subject : [1ZHERV] Exercise Solutions
  • Content :
    • Your login
    • How long it took you to complete each task / exercise.
    • (FIT) Link to the website hosting the exercises.
    • (FaVU) Link you your primary website git repository.
    • Link to the main git repository or other hosting containing zip with the web deployment files - e.g. index.html and filled data folder.
    • Any other ideas or feedback you may have!


For common problems, please see the Problems and Solutions.

Following are some problems and solutions specific to the submission:


Web Template : [zip]